- Apply New
- Renew
- Reissue
Apply for new driver's licence
Use this option if you are applying for a licence for the first time.
- Applicant must be 18 years and above.
- Applicant must have completed driving school.
Apply for renewal
The holder of a valid licence may apply for and obtain a renewal of the licence at any time from 30 days before the expiry date of the licence.
Applicant apply and complete the form online, make payment, confirm payment at Board or Internal Revenue, proceed to VIO for test and visit FRSC Drivers Licence Centre for Biometric Capture.
Apply for reissue
A re-issue or replacement of licence can be issued if the licence is illegible, defaced, lost or stolen. The applicant shall apply to the authority after the following conditions have been met-
- Obtain police extract stating particulars of the loss, damage or defacement.
- Swear an affidavit stating the fact of the loss, damage or defacement.
- Pay the prescribed fee.
Driver's Licence Process
01 Complete the driver's licence application form online.
02 Visit VIO for driving test.
03 Pay the licence fee online or at the Bank.
04 Confirm payment at State BIR Office.
05 Proceed to the FRSC Officer at the DLC for biometric data capture.
06 Visit your DLC/MLA/VIO and present your application form or temporary card to pick up your original licence card.